IS it possible to Embeded/attach image in Email body in Dynamics CRM
Embeded image in email body:
To add dynamically image in the email, usually we write code to create email.
There are three ways our image will add in the CRM
The below code is for "Notes"
Usually this code works in normal page but here image is not embedded with email after send. It says harmful in the email.
When I check with how inserting signature in the email works in the CRM. I have checked through sent email description column through web API and found they URL in the image tag
Check the selected item
Embeded image in email body:
To add dynamically image in the email, usually we write code to create email.
There are three ways our image will add in the CRM
- Public images hosted in external website
- Webresource
- Notes( add through attachment)
The below code is for "Public images hosted in external website" and "Webresource"
//Uploaded image in the Webresource .
string webresource = "<html> <img src='~/WebResources/new_image' width='205' height='150'></html>";
//published Image Url Link
string crmModule = "<html> <img src='' width='150' height='150'></html>";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
//CRM SDK Namespace
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
namespace Sample
public class Email : IPlugin
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
// Obtain the execution context from the service provider.
IPluginExecutionContext context =
IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
Entity Lead = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
string Emailid = Lead.GetAttributeValue<string>("emailaddress1");
string Name = Lead.GetAttributeValue<string>("lastname");
//From Current User
Entity from = new Entity("activityparty");
from["partyid"] = new EntityReference("systemuser", context.UserId);
Entity to = new Entity("activityparty");
to["partyid"] = new EntityReference("lead", Lead.Id);
//Uploaded Crm webresource Url.
string webresource = "<html> <img src='~/WebResources/new_image' width='205' height='150'></html>";
//published Image Url Link
string crmModule = "<html> <img src='' width='150' height='150'></html>";
//Hyperlink (or) Re-Direct Url link
string Hyper = String.Format("<a href=''> Click Here</a>");
//Create Email
Entity Email = new Entity("email");
Email["from"] = new Entity[] { from };
Email["to"] = new Entity[] { to };
Email["subject"] = "welcome Mr : " + Name;
Email["description"] = "<h3> Dear " + Name + "</h3>" + "<br/>" + "Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 Module" + "<br/>"
+ crmModule + "<br/>" + Hyper + "<br/>" + webresource;
Guid _emailId = service.Create(Email);
SendEmailRequest reqSendEmail = new SendEmailRequest();
reqSendEmail.EmailId = _emailId;
reqSendEmail.TrackingToken = "";
reqSendEmail.IssueSend = true;
SendEmailResponse res = (SendEmailResponse)service.Execute(reqSendEmail);
The below code is for "Notes"
string crmModule = "<html> <img src='data: image/jpeg; base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABkAAAAZCAYAAADE6YVjAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAyJpVFh0WE1MOmNvbS5hZG9iZS54bXAAAAAAADw / eHBhY2tldCBiZWdpbj0i77u / IiBpZD0iVzVNME1wQ2VoaUh6cmVTek5UY3prYzlkIj8 + 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 / PjjUmssAAAGASURBVHjatJaxTsMwEIbpIzDA6FaMMPYJkDKzVYU + QFeEGPIKfYU8AETkCYI6wANkZQwIKRNDB1hA0Jrf0rk6WXZ8BvWkb4kv99vn89kDrfVexBSYgVNwDA7AN + jAK3gEd + AlGMGIBFDgFvzouK3JV / lihQTOwLtOtw9wIRG5pJn91Tbgqk9kSk7GViADrTD4HCyZ0NQnomi51sb0fUyCMQEbp2WpU67IjfNjwcYyoUDhjJVcZBjYBy40j4wXgaobWoe8Z6Y80CJBwFpunepIzt2AUgFjtXXshNXjVmMh + K + zzp / CMs0CqeuzrxSRpbOKfdCkiMTS1VBQ41uxMyQR2qbrXiiwYN3ACh1FDmsdK2Eu4J6Tlo31dYVtCY88h5ELZIJJ + IRMzBHfyJINrigNkt5VsRiub9nXICdsYyVd2NcVvA3ScE5t2rb5JuEeyZnAhmLt9NK63vX1O5Pe8XaPSuGq1uTrfUgMEp9EJ + CQvr + BJ / AAKvAcCiAR + bf9CjAAluzmdX4AEIIAAAAASUVORK5CYII ='></html>";
Usually this code works in normal page but here image is not embedded with email after send. It says harmful in the email.
When I check with how inserting signature in the email works in the CRM. I have checked through sent email description column through web API and found they URL in the image tag
Check the selected item
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There is a catch, though–the image MUST be hosted on a publicly-accessible URL. Unfortunately, this means HTTPS won’t cut it, which rules out using Web Resources. If you end up doing a Google image search to find the image (helpful for logos), be sure to use one with a reliable host. This helps minimize the risk of the image suddenly disappearing in the future!
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