Migration CRM on Premise to Dynamics 365 Online
To Migrating CRM onPremise to online first we have to create CRM onpremise entity to CRM online for that we will able to solution import to CRM online is possible
Version compatibility
Generally, solutions can be imported into organizations less than two
versions higher than the version the solution was exported from.
Service pack releases will provide the option to either export a
solution with compatibility for that service pack, or just with
capabilities included in the base version. More information: Version compatibility.
For Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1), enhanced service capabilities were included for new Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) organizations and existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 organizations had the option to install these capabilities. Solutions exported from organizations with the enhanced service capabilities can’t be installed into a CRM 2013 SP1 organization without the enhanced service capabilities enabled unless the solution is exported using the option to select compatibility for the base version.
To Migrating CRM onPremise to online first we have to create CRM onpremise entity to CRM online for that we will able to solution import to CRM online is possible
Version compatibility
Solutions exported from an earlier version of Dynamics 365 can be imported into later versions as shown in the following chart.
For Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1), enhanced service capabilities were included for new Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) organizations and existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 organizations had the option to install these capabilities. Solutions exported from organizations with the enhanced service capabilities can’t be installed into a CRM 2013 SP1 organization without the enhanced service capabilities enabled unless the solution is exported using the option to select compatibility for the base version.