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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Types of Display group in Host Control
The main work area in the bottom right.
The typical location of the chat window. It is under the agent scripting control.
A nonvisible panel generally used for component without a user interface (UI).
A panel just under the WorkflowPanel on the left.
A panel just under the LeftPanel1 on the left.
A panel just under the LeftPanel2. This panel expands to fill the rest of the area available to the bottom edge of the left panel.
A panel located on the right side.
CtiPanel *
A panel located in the top right, it is the default location for softphone controls. This is a stack panel so more than one control can be added and will show up next to each other.
SessionExplorerPanel *
A panel located just under the session tabs where you typically display the session lines.
WorkflowPanel *
A panel located just under the SessionExplorerPanel and usually contains the agent scripting control.
ToolbarPanel *
A panel at the very top just to the right of the Unified Service Desk logo, and typically holds the Toolbar.
For internal use only.
StatusPanel *
A special panel located on the status bar at the bottom of the application.

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