Thursday, August 18, 2016

Change default base currency in CRM 2011

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the SQL server hosting your CRM database.
  2. Find database with name [YourCompanyName]_MSCRM
  3. Backup that database!
  4. Open table [dbo].[TransactionCurrencyBase]
  5. The existing base currency is the first row. Ensure the target currency is there.
  6. Open table [dbo].[OrganizationBase] for edit. Find your organization there, most likely there will be just one row.
  7. Change CurrencySymbol, BaseISOCurrencyCode, BaseCurrencySymbol and BaseCurrencyId. The last field’s value you should take from TransactionCurrencyBase table, from the TransactionCurrencyId field.
That’s it. One thing you should bear in mind – if the conversion rate to base currency was used somewhere, the numbers may become incorrect. Like, if the sum was meant in base currency, but the base currency changed without recalculation.

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