Tuesday, December 22, 2015

CRM Diagnostics Tool URL

If you are using Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online or Dynamics CRM 2011 on-premises and have at least Update Rollup 4 installed, you can run a diagnostics utility that will provide helpful information about your network connection to CRM and on your machine’s browser performance. You will need to have the System Administrator role to utilize this tool.

Login your CRM
  • https://<SERVERNAME>/<ORGNAME>/main.aspx  or
  • https://<ORGNAME>.<DOMAINNAME>/main.aspx or 
  • https://websitename/tools/diagnostics/diag.aspx
Simply replace the /main.aspx with /tools/diagnostics/diag.aspx

You should then see something like this, after clicking the Run button:
This report, which can be also be emailed, provides some useful information:

Latency Test: 
This measures how long it takes for packets to travel to from the CRM server to your browser. This number should be as low as possible and will be affected by things like the distance between your PC and the server. Generally, if you are running CRM Online or on a remote server, your latency will be higher than having a local CRM server. Latency can also be affected by things like proxy servers and anti-virus software so if possible you should run the diagnostics with and without these things to measure the true impact on CRM performance.

Bandwidth Test: 
This measurement approximates the speed of your connection. If you are running your CRM server on a local network, you will probably see much higher numbers here than if you are accessing the server on the Internet. If your Internet Service Provider is promising you 10MB speeds and you are regularly seeing much smaller numbers here, you may need to talk to your provider.

JavaScript Benchmarks: 
This set of numbers tests the performance of your browser and PC hardware against a set of JavaScript functions. If your CRM forms are loaded with customizations that include JavaScript, this number can be very important. If your organization has a number of older machines running older versions of Internet Explorer, you might want to use these numbers as justification for either upgrading, or to eliminate unnecessary form level JavaScript. Many common JavaScript form customizations were created to get around shortcomings in earlier versions of CRM, and can be replaced by new native CRM 2011 functionality.

Debug Utility

Login your CRM
  • https://<SERVERNAME>/<ORGNAME>/main.aspx  or
  • https://<ORGNAME>.<DOMAINNAME>/main.aspx or 
  • https://websitename/home/home_debug.aspx
In this case, simply replace /main.aspx with /home/home_debug.aspx

You should then see the Debug Information page. The first section, shown below, provides general configuration information on your server environment including details like server name, configuration and organization database name, and build level of the CRM software.

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