Monday, November 23, 2015

CRM Ribbon work bench parameter

CRM Ribbon work bench parameter
If you have any doubt in the post please post comments. I will try to solve your problem.
Value Description
PrimaryEntityTypeCode A number representing the unique type of entity for a specific Microsoft CRM deployment.
PrimaryEntityTypeName A string representing the unique name of an entity.
PrimaryItemIds A string array providing the GUID Id values for the Primary Item.
FirstPrimaryItemId Provides one GUID identifier as a string for the record being viewed.
PrimaryControl An Object referencing the Control that had focus when the Ribbon Command action occurred.
PrimaryControlId A string providing the Id value of the control that had focus.
SelectedEntityTypeCode A number representing the unique type of entity for a record selected in a grid. The Entity type code will vary between deployments.
SelectedEntityTypeName A string representing the unique name of the entity for a record selected in a grid.
FirstSelectedItemId Provides one GUID identifier as a string for the first item selected in a grid.
SelectedControl An Object referencing the Control that had focus when the Ribbon Command action occurred.
SelectedControlSelectedItemCount The number of selected items in a grid.
SelectedControlSelectedItemIds A string array of GUID Id values for all selected items in a grid.
SelectedControlSelectedItemReferences An array of EntityReference objects that represent all the selected items in the grid. This option is only available when used with the<JavaScriptFunction> (RibbonDiffXml) element.
SelectedControlAllItemCount A number showing the total number of items displayed in a grid.
SelectedControlAllItemIds A string array providing the GUID Id values for all items displayed in a grid.
SelectedControlAllItemReferences An array of EntityReference objects representing all the items in the grid. This option is only available when used with the<JavaScriptFunction> (RibbonDiffXml) element.
SelectedControlUnselectedItemCount The number of unselected items in a grid.
SelectedControlUnselectedItemIds A string array of GUID Id values for all unselected items in a grid.
SelectedControlUnselectedItemReferences An array of EntityReference objects representing all the items not selected in the grid. This option is only available when used with the<JavaScriptFunction> (RibbonDiffXml) element.
OrgName The name of the organization.
OrgLcid The Language Code representing the base Language for the organization.
UserLcid The Language Code representing the language preference chosen by the user..
Access other control in ribbon work bench javascript
var objValue= Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get(controlname).getAttribute().getValue()
var objValue= Xrm.Page..getAttribute(controlname).getValue()

1 comment:

  1. SelectedControlAllItemCount
    is returning me a value of 0, no matter how many items i have in the list.
    Any thoughts?


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